On Monday, November 16, I am part of the “Making Waves” event where Manitoba educators share our remote learning strategies. We are teaching through a crisis. What do we need to keep going, and to keep getting better?
Here are some of the online resources I use to access new content, stay connected to others, curate resources for my professional learning network and create new opportunities for learning.
Collect – Connect – Curate – Create
24/7 Education Radio: VoicEd.ca
My Interview with Stephen Hurley on November 9: https://voiced.ca/podcast_episode_post/figuring-it-out-in-manitoba-ft-donna-fry/
Podcasts for Educators
These are the podcast I listen to regularly
- Getting Smart Podcast
- CBC Ideas
- Cult of Pedagogy
- CBC Spark
- TED Talks Daily
- TED Radio Hour
- On Being
- Akimbo
- HBR Ideacast
- The Knowledge Project
- Clear and Vivid (Alan Alda)
- Harvard EdCast
- Hidden Brain
- Autism Science Foundation
- Making Math Moments that Matter
- Making Sense
- Found My Fitness
- Your Undivided Attention
- CBC World Report
Twitter Lists for Educators
- Manitoba
- Leadership
- Mathematics Leadership
- Canadian Educators
- Digital Literacies
- Learning and Teaching in 21C
- All my lists (created and followed)
Websites for Educators
- The Learning Exchange
- The EdCan Network (Canadian Education Association)
- Most Likely to Succeed (free version)
- Stop Stealing Dreams (What is School For?)
- Shelley Moore (blog, videos and more)
- CAST (Universal Design for Learning)
- UDL in British Columbia (free course and videos)
- Contact North (Teach Online – post secondary but many excellent resources (free))
- Silver Lining for Learning – How can the pandemic change schools for the better?
- EdLine Canada – eLearning episode
- Toolbelt Theory – by request
- Teachers Matter – with Steven Katz
- Simon Breakspear – Tools
- Simon Breakspear – Research