It’s the first morning of #OTRK12.
There are over 80 workshops for educators to attend over the next 2 days, and some of those presenters are waking up this morning and asking themselves, “What am I doing here?”.
Presenting can be scary. It can be intimidating. We, as educators, can be evaluative. We all want to do well. It’s our culture.
What are you doing here?
You are modelling best practice. You are sharing your learning.
You are enabling others to learn.
You are connecting learners. You are enriching lives. You are demonstrating courage.
You are walking the talk. You are Leading Learning.
What are the rest of us doing here?
We are here creating a culture of learning – a place where it is safe to share, where sharing is valued, and where the people with the courage to share are encouraged and applauded for putting themselves in that vulnerable position for our benefit.
We are nurturing all learners.
Congratulations, and thank you, to every single educator who has stepped forward today and tomorrow to share learning with the rest of us.
Image credits:
Fear –the Italian voice via Compfight cc
Courage – DimitraTzanos via Compfight cc
My colleague, Penny, and I just finished our presentation. The audience was so great, they asked lots of great questions. Presenting our learning journey in using a Blended Learning format in our elementary classrooms allowed us to share our passion! This was a really fun and inspirational way to connect with other like-minded educators.
Thank you for sharing your experience! I’m so glad that it was a positive experience for you!
Consider sharing this learning here:
Let’s keep encouraging others to share as well.
Enjoy the conference and the connections.