EdLine Canada is a weekly call-in show, co-hosted by Stephen Hurley and Donna Fry, at 4:30 pm NT, 3 pm ET, 1 pm MT on @voicedcanada (https://voiced.ca/) and you can participate in the conversation using the Listener Line: 1-855-84-VOICE. Outside of show hours, you may leave a recorded message to be used during the show. During the show, please also share your thoughts on Twitter using the #EdCan hashtag. EdLine Canada is generously sponsored by The EdCan Network (formerly the Canadian Education Association). Be sure you are part of this critical network of Lifelong Learners, dedicated to improving public education across Canada.
This week on Edline Canada, we continue our series on Designing Schools for Learning. We are so pleased to welcome as guests two educators from award winning schools right here in Canada.
Will Burton is a teacher-advisor at the Maples MET School, MICE Program, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I met Will on Thursday evening, May 2, as his school received the 2018-2019 National Ken Spencer Innovation Award.
In a tour of the school, I met student after student who shared their learning about a diverse range of topics that were personally relevant, but that also contributed positively to the community. We are so pleased to have Will join us on Edline Canada to share the important work he and his colleagues are doing at the school. Call in and join the conversation!
David Truss is a school leader at Inquiry Hub in Coquitlam, British Columbia. iHub won the 2014-2015 National Ken Spencer Innovation Award. It continues to be a remarkable place of learning for young adults. I have yet to visit this school (soon!) but I have had the opportunity to hear Dave speak about his work on several occasions in Ontario. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to talk to Dave 1:1 about the work they are doing at this remarkable centre of learning.
What can I do to better design the learning environment for the students in my community? What have the educators in my Professional Learning Network learned that I can take back to my practice? Thank you to #EdCan Network for their sponsorship of these important conversations on Sunday afternoons in Canada. Be sure to make good use of your organization’s membership in EdCan Network by accessing important research about education in Canada.
Featured Image of iHub from http://www.inquiryhub.org/garden/
Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts (blog by David Truss)
Ken Spencer Awards for Innovation 2018-2019 (by EdCan Network)
Seven Oaks School Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Matt Henderson on Twitter (Assistant Superintendent, Seven Oaks School Division)
Podcasting Pair-a-Dimes (Connected Leaders)
Dave Truss on Twitter