OSAPAC: A New Look, and a New Purpose!

If you were not at the ECOO BIT14 Conference, you may not know that OSAPAC has a new website.

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(A special thank you to Yves Mainville and Pierre Sarazin for their leadership in creating the new logo and design).

It is worth checking out the four newest resources.

1. Mindomo

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Mindomo is a terrific tool for collaborative knowledge building asynchronously or in real time.  It can be embedded into online courses (such as the Ontario Provincial Virtual Learning Environment) and students can upload notes, comments, videos, images, audio, etc.  Their collaborative mind map is simply transformed into presentation mode to share knowledge with a group.

Ready to play and learn?

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Mindomo is licensed for Ontario educators.  When you create your account, choose the more link at the bottom right, then choose “Join a School Board or Institution”.

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Choose your school board or institution and then sign in using your school email account for full access.

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Mindomo provides help videos to get you started, but it is easy to navigate.  Contact your board eLC for further support if you need it.

2. Digital Citizenship 

Ontario educators have made it clear that they are looking for help in ensuring that our students become strong digital citizens.  Over the past few months, under the leadership of Karen Buetler and Brenda Sherry, Ontario teachers have been curating and writing asset-based digital citizenship lessons for use in Ontario classrooms.

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You can link to the resources from the OSAPAC website.

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The link takes you to an overview of the resource.  Choosing one of the key strands takes you to the resources and classroom connections.

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The resources are sorted according to school division.  Enjoy exploring, and please share with your colleagues.


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3. The SAMR Model

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How can the SAMR Model be used to help support evolving practices through the use of ministry-provided digital resources?

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Ontario teachers have provided sample lessons and reflections to model and support the use of these resources.

(Special thanks to Tim Hawes and Brenda Sherry for their leadership in this project.)

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What is OSSEMOOC? The *quick* version – Read about #OSSEMOOC in K12 Blueprint.


OSSEMOOC is our community of support to help build capacity in school and system leaders in Ontario so that we can make great decisions around the use of technology for deep learning in Ontario classrooms.

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Currently, we are taking the month of November to nurture leaders to get connected by dedicating 10 minutes each day to this practice.

The links to the first 23 days are below.
30 Days to Getting Connected (in 10 minutes a day)

Day 1: Dedicating Time

Day 2: What are Other Educators Thinking?

Day 3: What Can You Learn Online?

Day 4: Listen While You Work

Day 5: Twitter is Where it is Happening!

Day 6: Building Your Professional Learning Network (PLN)

Day 7: Follow Friday, and Attending Conferences Virtually

Day 8: Peeking Inside a Twitter Chat

Day 9: Beginning to Share Content

Day 10: Pinterest is for More Than Just Crafts and Recipes

Day 11: What Do We Need From Our Professional Learning Network (PLN)? [Connecting With Flipboard and/or Zite]

Day 12: A Deeper Look at Curation in Professional Practice

Day 13: Curating with Scoop.It

Day 14: Twitter as a Curation Tool

Day 15: Commenting on Blogs

Day 16: RSS Feeds – Another Way to Personalize the Content you Receive

Day 17 – Photo Sharing with Flickr

Day 18 – Collaborating Online

Day 19 – Collaborating with Google Docs

Day 20 – How Leaders Use Google Drive for Collaboration

Day 21 – Introduction to Google Forms

Day 22 – Making Thinking Visible Through Blogging

Day 23 – Yes, It’s Time to Start Your Own Blog!

What is OSSEMOOC all about? Find out more here.


 (Special thanks to my co-lead Mark Carbone for his tireless dedication to this project, and to Tim Robinson for his efforts in creating our look and logo, and for making us look great wherever we go!)

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