Cell Phones

Do you feel it now? There have been so many predictions about the increasing pace of change, the volatility and uncertainty in exponential times, and  the ambiguity in how to make good decisions. It’s been a year since Canada’s Digital Talent Strategy was released. It’s a very different time now than it was in March […]

Living in a Competitive, Globally-Connected, and Technologically Intensive World

This past week, the Ontario Ministry of Education released the 21C Competencies Foundation Document, Phase 1. What do you think?  Join the conversation. Access the document here: http://www.edugains.ca/resources21CL/About21stCentury/21CL_21stCenturyCompetencies.pdf

Exploring Digital Literacy and the Importance of Confidence

  Part of my current role in Ontario is working with teachers and education leaders to dig into what modern learning really looks like at the level of the “student desk”. Much of the work in this province is informed by the thinking of Michael Fullan, particularly in his latest publications “Great to Excellent: Launching […]