Relevance Unfound

This post: Relevance Unfound is based on Chapter 1 of Deep Learning: Engage the World, Change the World by Fullan, Quinn and McEachen Scrolling through Twitter postings of how applied science is changing our world helps me to remember that outside of the structure that is school, our world is changing exponentially. For example, this new car will be […]

An Evening with Dr. Jean Clinton – @drjeanforkids

Dr. Jean Clinton is a pediatric psychiatrist and advisor to the Ontario Minister of Education.  Yesterday she spent two hours at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium, speaking with parents, educators and community members interested in the well-being of children in our communities. How are the children doing?  Is this the major concern and question that […]

The Compelling Case for Change: TELL 2016

This year’s Technology Enabled Learning and Leading Symposium for Principals is wrapping up today.  Yesterday we had the opportunity to have conversations with Dr. Tony Wagner about how the current pathways for our students are no longer leading to success. Creating that Compelling Case for Change is so critical.  We are in times of exponential change, […]

#BIT15: Principals Leading Innovation with Technology

Principals Leading the Innovative Use of Technology for Learning and Teaching A session at BIT15 – Bring IT,Together 2015 Thursday 5th November, 2015 11:00am to 11:50am (EST) Technology is a tool that enables innovative approaches to deep learning and student assessment. As lead learners, how are school leaders across Ontario integrating technology and pedagogy into […]

Ten Years Ago, Ten Years From Now

Today is my dog’s 10th birthday. Technically, he isn’t really my dog.  We bought him for our son 10 years ago. “Basso”, the beagle, was my son’s Christmas present in 2005. A beagle was the #2 item on my son’s wish list. Item #1 was an iPod, but everyone wanted an iPod in 2005, and all of […]

What’s an Education That’s Worth Having?

[In 2014, I wrote a post on technology and pedagogy that was recently circulated on Twitter.  It reminded me that it is time to update the thinking in that post.] Simon Breakspear asked the question, “What is an Education That’s Worth Having?” at #uLead15 three months ago.  The answer is complex, and context driven, but, […]

Intergenerational Digital Literacy

This past week, I read a blog post by Jennifer Casa-Todd: Childrens’ Rights in a Digital World It is based on this UNICEF publication: Childrens’ Rights in the Digital Age This is the quote that first attracted my attention: “… digital literacy across generations..” I immediately thought of Ontario’s Renewed Vision for Education.  “Our children, youth […]

Looking for the [Student] Learning Intention

  Online every day I see what appear to be amazing things that educators are doing in their classrooms.  As a connected leader and learner, I tend to be quick to praise, to share, to encourage and to promote practice. But is this my best practice? Do I know enough about what I am encouraging? Recently, […]

Searching for the Desire (to Learn)

What do we do about the educators who refuse to embrace change? This question keeps bubbling up in conversations, on Twitter, and in blog posts, in different formats, but essentially this is it:  “How do we convince educators that they need to change their practice?” We have names and categories for those who resist change […]

Disrupting Content Delivery in Ontario

We have come a long way in Ontario from the idea that eLearning required a “learning management system” to deliver content, to the understanding that building relationships is at the centre of all learning (f2f or at a distance).   As we work with eLearning teachers through their collaborative inquiries into best practice, I often […]