From a Marching Band to a Jazz Band

How do we plan for exceptional distance learning while we are doing it? We have two things going on here. Schools are out, everyone is at home, and we are scrambling to meet the needs of our students right now, while everyone copes with a health crisis and an economic crisis (The Urgency) At the […]

Credentialing vs. Learning Online: Navigating the Tension

In Ontario, AQ [Additional Qualification] courses for Teachers are Approved by the Ontario College of Teachers.  There are very specific components of an AQ Course that must be completed in order to achieve the qualification, which then demonstrates to others in Ontario that you are capable and competent in teaching in specific grade or subject […]

The Compelling Case for Change: TELL 2016

This year’s Technology Enabled Learning and Leading Symposium for Principals is wrapping up today.  Yesterday we had the opportunity to have conversations with Dr. Tony Wagner about how the current pathways for our students are no longer leading to success. Creating that Compelling Case for Change is so critical.  We are in times of exponential change, […]

For Credit or for Learning?

As we think about the needs of learners in online environments, there is one dichotomy that we often forget. Some students take online courses because they need a credit or qualification for a life pathway, not because the want to learn. I was first introduced to this thinking as a secondary online teacher , and […]

Is eLearning for You? Yes it is!

“eLearning may not be for everyone.” Really? What if you are the only student at a high school needing a credit in SPH4U? eLearning might be your only option. As educators, are we really saying that eLearning might not be for this student? Or should we be saying, eLearning is just learning, and we will […]

Disrupting Content Delivery in Ontario

We have come a long way in Ontario from the idea that eLearning required a “learning management system” to deliver content, to the understanding that building relationships is at the centre of all learning (f2f or at a distance).   As we work with eLearning teachers through their collaborative inquiries into best practice, I often […]

Is Linear the Right Approach?

I posted this short piece on the collaborative #OSSEMOOC blog this morning. Throughout June, the OSAPAC team is encouraging educators to share their thinking by taking a screenshot of something that resonated with them, and sharing it with a few comments. It’s a great way to get started, especially if you are thinking about starting […]