This is a picture of a sign that says "Work in Progress"


I noticed such an interesting book title online this morning. I have yet to read this book, but the title so eloquently stated some of my fundamental beliefs as an education leader. I explored a preview of the book on Amazon, and I’ll share this one quote that stood out for me: “I’ve written this […]

Leadership Learning – December 13, 2017

On December 13, 2017, we are looking at the importance of learning leadership with Assistant Principals in Western Region, NLESD. Below are some of the resources we will be using.         Distinguished Professor Viviane Robinson – Does leadership affect education? from Educational Leadership on Vimeo.       Ken Leithwood – Principal […]

Comfort Zones in Exponential Times

We cannot let the comfort zones of educators limit our children. Reliance on paper-based textbooks creates enormous workflow for children who need a digital format. Banning cell phones in response to inappropriate use ignores our negligence in ever teaching children to use mobile devices effectively. How do our adult practices limit children in 2017? From […]

The Compelling Case for Change: TELL 2016

This year’s Technology Enabled Learning and Leading Symposium for Principals is wrapping up today.  Yesterday we had the opportunity to have conversations with Dr. Tony Wagner about how the current pathways for our students are no longer leading to success. Creating that Compelling Case for Change is so critical.  We are in times of exponential change, […]