A Decade of Connecting – 10 Years on Twitter With My #PLN

10 years ago today, I created @fryed on Twitter. Twitter opened up my world. It was my first real experience with the read-write web – web 2.0, which gave people the power to contribute to the network, to build understanding together, to question thinking, to share with the world. As a mom, travelling to take […]

Leading Learning in 2018

“The balance between leading and learning is essential.” (Fullan 2017, p. 62) Back in early December, we met with our Assistant Principals in Western Region (NLESD) to talk about Learning Leadership.  We shared that Learning Leadership was an essential approach to effective practice in schools.  The feedback from that event was that overwhelmingly, the biggest […]

What I Learned in 2017

On this last day of 2017, I am going back over my year of learning.  The purpose of this post is mainly to help me reflect, and to organize my work into one place for easy access.  If you are reading this, I invite you to take a quick look at some of the topics […]

Leadership Learning – December 13, 2017

On December 13, 2017, we are looking at the importance of learning leadership with Assistant Principals in Western Region, NLESD. Below are some of the resources we will be using.         Distinguished Professor Viviane Robinson – Does leadership affect education? from Educational Leadership on Vimeo.       Ken Leithwood – Principal […]

#nled Digital Identity, Digital Leadership

This week, in #nled, principals in the Western Region are meeting f2f.  At one of our sessions, we are learning about the connections between the networked lives of our students, and their mental health. The slides for the session are shared below.  Thanks, in particular, to Dr. Alec Couros for posting his slides on Slideshare. […]