Leading Learning in 2018

“The balance between leading and learning is essential.” (Fullan 2017, p. 62) Back in early December, we met with our Assistant Principals in Western Region (NLESD) to talk about Learning Leadership.  We shared that Learning Leadership was an essential approach to effective practice in schools.  The feedback from that event was that overwhelmingly, the biggest […]

Creative Public Leadership: Building a Powerful Case for Change

Early this morning, The RSA posted this report release on Twitter: In the report, they set out nine first steps in moving to an education system that creates the innovators needed for today’s world. Step 1 is Building the case for change. For those who have been in this business of change for many years, […]

The Key to Innovative Practice? More Ideas!

For a long time in Ontario, we have relied heavily on standardized test results, and the tested ideas and strategies grounded in research to inform our educational practice. But does this kind of thinking short-change our kids? Dr. Chris Dede talks about the importance of spreading pockets of excellence and adapting successful practice into our […]

Learning from Singapore: Pak Tee Ng and the Focus on “Teach Less, Learn More”

#uLead15 was an opportunity for educators to hear from some of the leaders in education where PISA scores are consistently the highest. It was obvious that the leading PISA countries do not use strategies like practicing test writing, teaching to the test, focusing on “moving the high level two students to level three”, data walls, […]

Where is Your Blog?

If you are an educator, you need a blog. It’s 2015. Where are you creating your digital identity? Where do you share resources with other educators? Where do you reflect on your practice? Where are you having conversations about learning and teaching? Where do you model the learning we want to see in every classroom? […]

How Will You Make Your Own Mess? “Creating a Culture Not of Mimics But of Masters”

We have problems.  Big problems. Our world is warming up at an alarming rate.  Child poverty is still a reality in spite of “promises” to end it. Who will solve these problems? What are we doing every day to move toward solutions? Commander Hadfield asked this question recently as host of the CBC Radio program […]

Digging Into Curation

There is a vast amount of information online, and digging into it can sometimes feel too overwhelming to even begin.  Yet our students will need to be quite adept at this process as they navigate the new realities of a digitally-connected world. What best practices do we need to model as leaders to ensure our […]

Focus on Beginners: What do you Need to Start Connecting?

After #EdCampWR ~ Where To Now (Part 1)?

What an exciting day! Educators gave up Saturday to meet in a school and learn together, and shared the learning online for all who wanted to join in the conversation.  It’s powerful stuff, and as we all reflect on how best to meet the needs of all learners in the system, these success stories move […]

The Future is NOT a Multiple Choice Test

This video is everything I believe about education. If you do nothing else today to further your professional learning, take 13 minutes and watch this video. Our kids need you to do it.