Where is Your Blog?

If you are an educator, you need a blog. It’s 2015. Where are you creating your digital identity? Where do you share resources with other educators? Where do you reflect on your practice? Where are you having conversations about learning and teaching? Where do you model the learning we want to see in every classroom? […]

Sharing our Passion for Connecting Education Leaders: TEDxKitchenerED

Mark Carbone and I recently took advantage of the opportunity to share our passion for connecting education leaders at the TEDxKitchenerED event. If you are wondering about #OSSEMOOC, here is the story of how we are working to connect leaders, and helping Ontario learners, to thrive in the complexities of teaching and learning in today’s rapidly […]

The Work-Life-Blogging Balance Challenge

Jenni’s question this week is one that needs more that 140 characters to answer. I think we have to begin with why we even bother to blog.  It begins with a fundamental belief that knowledge is to be shared and that learning comes from conversations.  It isn’t enough to just learn any more.  We need […]

“Nurture Those Around You”

There is no doubt that #ECOO13 was an outstanding opportunity for learning and networking. The event was exceptional from beginning to end and I am grateful for the talents and very hard work of all involved. Of course the learning continues long after the event, as long as we continue to heed the “call to […]

What Are You Thinking?

Recently, this post was shared with me on Twitter: Communication Tools for School Leaders | Evolving Educators It’s a very good look at the need to communicate and respond in many ways to all the stakeholders in the school community. I would add another item to the list: Blogging Why should education administrators blog?  For […]

The Power of Visible Learning

I enjoy reading Hattie’s work (Visible Learning and Visible Learning for Teachers), but in all the quality time I have spent with Hattie’s writing, I have only really thought about how it applied to children/students. My first day in #etMOOC changed all that. I have been encouraging educators I work with to engage in the […]