Transforming School Culture – Chapter 2 Resources (The Framework of Modern School Culture)

The discussion in this chapter begins with American references.  There are more American references in the second version of the book.  At first, I wondered about how appropriate this new version would be for Canadian school leaders, but I think that a simple summary of the American education system experiences helps us to understand some […]

Transforming School Culture – Chapter 1 Resources (From Status Quo to True Reform)

Notes on the Foreword by Richard Dufour and Rebecca Dufour Schools are complex places with competing assumptions about beliefs, expectations, and practice. We don’t even agree on the purpose of school. 2. There are effective teachers who are fundamentalists, and ineffective teachers who are believers. What makes an effective teacher? Here is a research hub […]

Designing Schools For Learning: Award Winning Canadian Schools

This week on Edline Canada, we continue our series on Designing Schools for Learning. We are so pleased to welcome as guests two educators from award winning schools right here in Canada. Will Burton is a teacher-advisor at the Maples MET School, MICE Program, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I met Will on Thursday evening, May 2, […]

An Evening with Dr. Jean Clinton – @drjeanforkids

Dr. Jean Clinton is a pediatric psychiatrist and advisor to the Ontario Minister of Education.  Yesterday she spent two hours at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium, speaking with parents, educators and community members interested in the well-being of children in our communities. How are the children doing?  Is this the major concern and question that […]

A Vision of Effective Mathematics Teaching and Learning

What is your vision of effective mathematics teaching and learning in elementary school? This is a new question for me.  This blog is Learning About Learning, and I have a lot of learning to do about mathematics education. I am hoping you can help me. Here are a few of the things I am thinking […]

Notes Instead of Thoughts – From 3 Rules to Spark Learning

When talking about Digital Portfolios, both Dr. Alec Couros and George Couros talk about the place where you do your messy work and then the place where you put your best work.  Below is some of my messy work. Sometimes you know you just need to keep things around to refer to and to think […]

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions From Going in One Year and Out the Other

Let me begin with a huge thanks to @RoyanLee who suggested the @InquiringShow Inquiring Minds podcast in his blog last summer. It has been such a great source of learning for me, especially while out walking the dog, doing the dishes, folding laundry or even (yes, Brandon Grasley) while brushing my teeth! The January 2, […]

Who Are You Leaving Out?

  Why would we want to exclude other educators from our professional learning network? Stephen Katz, in his book Intentional Interruptions, discusses the problem of confirmation bias when it comes to professional learning.  It is our tendency to “only look for things that confirm rather than challenge our beliefs and practices“. We need to make […]

Digging Into Collaborative Inquiry

Over the past few weeks, I have been taking some time to dig more deeply into collaborative inquiry. I began reading Jenni Donohoo’s book Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator’s Guide to School Improvement, which is a valuable resource for anyone involved in education.  It contains not only clear, research-based information about CI, but also […]

What is the Purpose of School? Nova Scotia Considers Its Future

It’s perplexing to me that as Canadians we can unite at ungodly early morning hours to cheer on our hockey team as a country, yet when it comes to education we live on seemingly unconnected islands. In my province, Ontario, we have just completed a “visioning” exercise, looking at how to move our public education […]