In One Tweet – What I Learned in 2015

Sharing learning is a core value of my professional practice. This space – this blog – is my rough work.  It’s a place to put out the raw thinking and learning and invite comments and challenges so that I might continue to learn and to rethink how we do education. In a nutshell, here is […]

Will Your Students Be Digitally Fluent? Messages for 2015

“In today’s highly connected information age educators have a moral obligation to empower students with the skills and dispositions of lifelong learners, to support and teach them to become creative critical thinkers, collaborative, globally connected problem solvers, and responsible citizens who strive to make the world a better place.” Please take a moment to listen to this important […]

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions From Going in One Year and Out the Other

Let me begin with a huge thanks to @RoyanLee who suggested the @InquiringShow Inquiring Minds podcast in his blog last summer. It has been such a great source of learning for me, especially while out walking the dog, doing the dishes, folding laundry or even (yes, Brandon Grasley) while brushing my teeth! The January 2, […]