Afraid to be Wrong

Over the past few days, mostly while shovelling snow, I have been listening to one particular podcast from the CBC Ideas Program: Knowledge and Democracy.  The program examines the interaction between science and society, looking at the “position” of the discipline “science” in a democracy. It is of particular interest to me because of our […]

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions From Going in One Year and Out the Other

Let me begin with a huge thanks to @RoyanLee who suggested the @InquiringShow Inquiring Minds podcast in his blog last summer. It has been such a great source of learning for me, especially while out walking the dog, doing the dishes, folding laundry or even (yes, Brandon Grasley) while brushing my teeth! The January 2, […]

How Will You Make Your Own Mess? “Creating a Culture Not of Mimics But of Masters”

We have problems.  Big problems. Our world is warming up at an alarming rate.  Child poverty is still a reality in spite of “promises” to end it. Who will solve these problems? What are we doing every day to move toward solutions? Commander Hadfield asked this question recently as host of the CBC Radio program […]

Do You Believe in Science?

This evening, a friend shared this article about a MP from BC who challenges science while in the House of Commons. It led to this hilarious video, which really made me think about the pervasive misunderstandings we tolerate in society when it comes to science. Will today’s children continue to accept a Canadian government that makes major […]

Connecting f2f

Connecting f2f.

Collaboration: We’ve Arrived!

** Update! We now know that Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) watched our video on the ISS!  How exciting for our students.  Commander Hadfield understands the importance of connections for learning.  His song with Ed Robertson is all about how the world is one place, all interconnected, and the video shows how this is so true.  Student […]

Question Everything

In my last posting, I stated a few of the findings in the Hole in the Wall experiments.  The last was that schools need to include a rational system to know what to believe in. Tonight I read a post by Ira Socol called “Question Everything” that really helps me with my thinking on this […]

Considering How We Teach Science

Harassing phone calls, personal threats, intrusions on personal privacy – this is what scientist Michael Mann has endured. He was interviewed yesterday on The Current, by Anna Maria Tremonti.  His new book, “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars”, chronicles his personal journey, attempting to deliver an unpopular message to the American public. He faces […]