Notes Instead of Thoughts – From 3 Rules to Spark Learning

When talking about Digital Portfolios, both Dr. Alec Couros and George Couros talk about the place where you do your messy work and then the place where you put your best work.  Below is some of my messy work. Sometimes you know you just need to keep things around to refer to and to think […]

Learning From Afar: CanConnectEd 2015 Live Stream

The live stream for Connect 2015 can be found here:” I was thrilled to catch Jamie Reaburn Weir and Dan Ballentyne today.  They shared this video, which I believe is important for all to watch.  Most educators intrinsically know all of this already.  They do live it, after all. They just don’t know how to […]

The Key to Innovative Practice? More Ideas!

For a long time in Ontario, we have relied heavily on standardized test results, and the tested ideas and strategies grounded in research to inform our educational practice. But does this kind of thinking short-change our kids? Dr. Chris Dede talks about the importance of spreading pockets of excellence and adapting successful practice into our […]

Learning from Singapore: Pak Tee Ng and the Focus on “Teach Less, Learn More”

#uLead15 was an opportunity for educators to hear from some of the leaders in education where PISA scores are consistently the highest. It was obvious that the leading PISA countries do not use strategies like practicing test writing, teaching to the test, focusing on “moving the high level two students to level three”, data walls, […]

Disrupting Content Delivery in Ontario

We have come a long way in Ontario from the idea that eLearning required a “learning management system” to deliver content, to the understanding that building relationships is at the centre of all learning (f2f or at a distance).   As we work with eLearning teachers through their collaborative inquiries into best practice, I often […]

Digging Into Collaborative Inquiry

Over the past few weeks, I have been taking some time to dig more deeply into collaborative inquiry. I began reading Jenni Donohoo’s book Collaborative Inquiry for Educators: A Facilitator’s Guide to School Improvement, which is a valuable resource for anyone involved in education.  It contains not only clear, research-based information about CI, but also […]

What is the Purpose of School? Nova Scotia Considers Its Future

It’s perplexing to me that as Canadians we can unite at ungodly early morning hours to cheer on our hockey team as a country, yet when it comes to education we live on seemingly unconnected islands. In my province, Ontario, we have just completed a “visioning” exercise, looking at how to move our public education […]

The Future is NOT a Multiple Choice Test

This video is everything I believe about education. If you do nothing else today to further your professional learning, take 13 minutes and watch this video. Our kids need you to do it.

Student Mental Health in the Media

Recently, there was an uproar about math scores in Ontario.  The media called the results of the PISA test “a crisis” and quickly blamed schools, teachers, the education system, and anyone else related to public education. Yesterday, we learned shocking statistics about the state of students’ mental health in Toronto District School Board.  The response? […]

Learning at #Educon

I am taking a moment away from the learning to capture some of the key ideas emerging from Educon 2.6: Click on the image if the Axioms are too small to read.  Consider how they might inform your daily practice. Educon is held at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia. I took this shot during […]