Activity or Learning?

Today our Programs Leaders took time to dig into the work of Stephen Katz and Lisa Ain Dack (Intentional Interruption, 2013). Here are some of the resources we looked at today. We began by examining our own definitions of learning from our earlier work together this year, and then considering the idea that learning is […]

Best Possible Most Richly Imagined Future

Rather than continue a number of conversations in Twitter DMs about my last post, If There Has Been No Learning, I thought I would clarify a few things here. I have been incredibly fortunate to learn from two women, who both went on to be Chief Student Achievement Officers for the Province of Ontario. Mary […]

If There Has Been No Learning

If there has been no learning, there has been no teaching. As educators, we work in service of student learning. We ask where a learner is now (assessment), where a learner is going (curriculum learning expectations), how a learner will get there (strategies to ensure students construct that learning) and how we will know (monitoring […]

Sharing “Student Privacy” at Lakehead University Faculty of Education

Recently, I was honoured to be invited to share with first year B.Ed. students (aspiring teachers) at Lakehead University (Thunder Bay Campus). We began by thinking about why digital was important, and by examining Padlet as a tool to be used in classrooms.  Our thinking on digital has been captured below.  Please feel free to […]

Our Incredible Normal

We have the technology now to learn from the best teachers in the world. We can access our PLN from almost anywhere, through synchronous and asynchronous technologies. Today, our students need personalized learning options. Our teachers need to learn according to personal and professional interests.  Our leaders need to be able to consult with experts, […]

Well, Yes I Am

Have you ever driven to your school on 3 hours of sleep, sucking back coffee all the way, mentally rehearsing lessons and memorizing “to do” lists, knowing it would be a line-up at the photocopier and wondering how you could get everything done before the bell? Does teaching have to be frantic? We can be […]

The Digital Networked Lives of Our Children – #picsymposia2016

Today in Thunder Bay, close to 60 parents gave up their Saturday to learn about parent leadership in our education system. The Ministry of Education sponsored event was an opportunity for parents to learn all about what is important in education and how to access funds to share knowledge in their boards. I was so […]

Learning not Grades: Answers from #Educon

Educon, for me, has always been such a hotbed of fresh ideas. This year, the theme of Educon 2.8 is EMPOWERMENT. Here is part of the Friday night panel conversation that seriously resonated with me.  I didn’t ask the question, but I am thankful to the person who did. How do we transform students from […]

Let’s UNLEARN a Few Assumptions About School

Many teachers teach the way they were taught. The B.Ed. program would do well to emphasize the unlearning of wrong assumptions about schooling – like “sit up straight” and “sit still” and “look at the teacher”. Change won’t happen until we all deeply question our assumptions of what school should look like for kids. Thanks to […]

Notes Instead of Thoughts – From 3 Rules to Spark Learning

When talking about Digital Portfolios, both Dr. Alec Couros and George Couros talk about the place where you do your messy work and then the place where you put your best work.  Below is some of my messy work. Sometimes you know you just need to keep things around to refer to and to think […]