Activity or Learning?

Today our Programs Leaders took time to dig into the work of Stephen Katz and Lisa Ain Dack (Intentional Interruption, 2013).

Here are some of the resources we looked at today.

We began by examining our own definitions of learning from our earlier work together this year, and then considering the idea that learning is a permanent change in thinking or behaviour. (Stephen Katz – What is Learning?)  What are the times when your thinking was changed forever by something you learned?  Sometimes, it’s impossible to go back after learning something new.  

We then asked, what are the most important factors impacting student achievement (in this case, defined as student learning)? Here is what Stephen Katz shares on this question:

Stephen Katz – Teachers Matter

We know that all teachers do the very best they know how to do every day.  If we want to change student learning, teachers will need to learn something new that will impact their practice.  What are the barriers to this learning?  As Program Specialists, what can we do to ensure our work leads to positive classroom impact?


How can we ensure our work with teachers leads to learning, and is not just “activity”?

We used these videos to help focus our conversation:

Taylor Mali – Undivided Attention

Stephen Katz – Intentional Interruption

Dr. Jean Clinton  ~ Teaching Strategies that Address Trauma and Resilience


Featured image:
Danielle MacInnes

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