We are all Mathematicians!

I’m becoming a mathematician. For a long time, I was a high school math teacher, but I’ve moved so far beyond that now.  Not by going back to university, but by going right back to grade 1. Yes, that’s right, I went back to grade 1 to become a mathematician. Even though I was the […]

Are you Asking the Right Questions?

Yesterday, a colleague, Sean Mieghan,  posted a great little video that clearly demonstrates the importance of asking the right questions.     “Life is Good” owners tell us that their ideas came from the questions their mother asked every day at the dinner table.  She empowered them to come up with ideas – lots of […]

A Vision of Effective Mathematics Teaching and Learning

What is your vision of effective mathematics teaching and learning in elementary school? This is a new question for me.  This blog is Learning About Learning, and I have a lot of learning to do about mathematics education. I am hoping you can help me. Here are a few of the things I am thinking […]

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