Searching for the Desire (to Learn)

What do we do about the educators who refuse to embrace change? This question keeps bubbling up in conversations, on Twitter, and in blog posts, in different formats, but essentially this is it:  “How do we convince educators that they need to change their practice?” We have names and categories for those who resist change […]

A Child’s Best Hope

She hated me. I didn’t know a lot about her, but I knew this for sure. She hated me with every stare down as I walked through the halls, with every glare when I entered one of her classes, and with every silent meeting in my office – me talking, and her projecting her hatred […]

EdCampWR (part 2) – Everyone Has Something IMPORTANT to Share

This past week, I have been explaining the concept of “EdCamp” to a lot of people.  It’s on a Saturday, it’s free, it’s open to anyone wanting to learn, and “everyone has something to share”.  The program is driven by the learning needs of the people in attendance, and the smartest person in the room […]

After #EdCampWR ~ Where To Now (Part 1)?

What an exciting day! Educators gave up Saturday to meet in a school and learn together, and shared the learning online for all who wanted to join in the conversation.  It’s powerful stuff, and as we all reflect on how best to meet the needs of all learners in the system, these success stories move […]

When Learning Has Nothing To Do With It

Last week, Jan Wong, currently an Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, wrote an article for the Chronicle Herald outlining her concern about her Journalism students cheating on quizzes. The sentences from her post that most resonated with me are below. It should be no surprise at all that […]

Raleigh Falls

What Will You UnLearn Today?

What did you learn today? David Warlick often begins his talks with something new he has learned that day.  He frequently shares these learnings on his blog as well. Every day I try to follow his example and think carefully about all the new things I have learned. But sometimes we need to UNlearn before we can really […]

“Nurture Those Around You”

There is no doubt that #ECOO13 was an outstanding opportunity for learning and networking. The event was exceptional from beginning to end and I am grateful for the talents and very hard work of all involved. Of course the learning continues long after the event, as long as we continue to heed the “call to […]

What Do We Care About?

Yesterday, while driving along the Trans-Canada Highway north of Thunder Bay, we met a group of cyclists.  We meet and pass cyclists on the T-C all summer long.  It is a dangerous stretch of highway.  Some sections have about 4 inches of paved shoulder before a drop off into gravel.  The highway is under construction. […]

Lanterne Rouge

    Photo Credit: One-Fat-Man via Compfight cc A friend once said to me, “I never expect much of anything. That way, I am never disappointed.” It’s an odd way to live.  I would sooner set my sights very high, and learn to get over any hint of disappointment. Reflecting on that makes me think […]

OTRK12: The Learning

I am in my second last session of the OTRK12 Conference in Mississauga.  As the twitter feed flies by me I am reflecting on how much I have learned and how much I need to share. Here are some of my notes from this morning’s chat with John Malloy, Director, HWDSB. Some of the other […]