The Other Side of Courage

The most important

We are Half-Way: How’s Your #OneWordOnt?

In January, we asked educators, “What’s your ONE WORD for 2015?”.  In Ontario, we used #onewordont as a hashtag to collect the ideas, and Julie Balen created a word cloud to share. So how’s it going?  Six months in, is this word still a focus for your work? Today I am thinking a lot about my […]

What Am I Doing Here?

It’s the first morning of #OTRK12.  There are over 80 workshops for educators to attend over the next 2 days, and some of those presenters are waking up this morning and asking themselves, “What am I doing here?”. Presenting can be scary.  It can be intimidating.  We, as educators, can be evaluative. We all want […]

Lanterne Rouge

    Photo Credit: One-Fat-Man via Compfight cc A friend once said to me, “I never expect much of anything. That way, I am never disappointed.” It’s an odd way to live.  I would sooner set my sights very high, and learn to get over any hint of disappointment. Reflecting on that makes me think […]