Another Look at Standardized Testing

In Ontario, the Liberals and NDP have promised to overhaul the 25-year-old EQAO testing system if elected next month. Political views aside, what is the best next step for high-stakes standardized testing in Ontario? Dr. Andy Hargreaves spoke with CBC in Ottawa (Hallie Cotnam) about the historical context and the current controversy around EQAO testing […]

Looking for the [Student] Learning Intention

  Online every day I see what appear to be amazing things that educators are doing in their classrooms.  As a connected leader and learner, I tend to be quick to praise, to share, to encourage and to promote practice. But is this my best practice? Do I know enough about what I am encouraging? Recently, […]

Why Do [Our Students] Need Connected Leaders?

This month, most of my writing time has been spent on a daily blog for OSSEMOOC, the project I co-lead with Mark Carbone in our current roles with OSAPAC in Ontario. We say that “connected learners need connected leaders”. We work every single day trying to convince education leaders in Ontario that they need to become […]