Blended Learning

This post is part of a #5post5days challenge issued by Carlo Fusco. Please take time to read the other blogs, and join in! Five posts in five days is not the same as one per day, and you can start any time! 1/5 posts available here. ~~~~~ In this series of posts, I am thinking […]

Learning that is 24/7

When we consider the factors that impact learning, we have to think about: 1) the characteristics of the individual child 2) the learning that occurs outside of school 3) the learning that occurs while at school   As educators, we often believe that we really only have control over the learning that happens in school. […]

Why SeLNO is so Important

The Symposium for eLearning in Northwestern Ontario is an opportunity for educators from throughout our vast region to gather f2f and learn about how to leverage free, safe technological tools for greater student achievement.