Most Urgent Student Learning Needs

What are our most urgent student learning needs? This question is at the centre of tables around the province as boards and schools go through their new school and board improvement process (SILC: System Improvement Learning Cycles).  The new process, evolving from the former BIPSA process, is more agile (faster cycles), more targeted, and more […]

Learning that is 24/7

When we consider the factors that impact learning, we have to think about: 1) the characteristics of the individual child 2) the learning that occurs outside of school 3) the learning that occurs while at school   As educators, we often believe that we really only have control over the learning that happens in school. […]

Your Friends Take Amazing Pictures! – 2/10

This post is part of a 10 day posting challenge issued by Tina Zita. You can’t be a connected educator if you don’t contribute. Sometimes we need a nudge to remember that if nobody shares, nobody learns. Thanks Tina! ______________________________________ How do we model “network and remix” for our students? I adore the images my […]