Most Urgent Student Learning Needs

What are our most urgent student learning needs? This question is at the centre of tables around the province as boards and schools go through their new school and board improvement process (SILC: System Improvement Learning Cycles).  The new process, evolving from the former BIPSA process, is more agile (faster cycles), more targeted, and more […]

#InnovatorsMindset Blog Hop #2: If I Could Build a School..

  This post is part of a collaborative blog hop.  We all write on a single topic, then post all of the links at once so that readers can read many different viewpoints at the same time.  Join in here. It’s never too late! If I were to build a school from scratch, I would […]

We Have a Dream

“I have a dream.” Millions were inspired by those words. Now if Martin Luther King had said, “I have a strategic plan” or “I have a set of performance indicators”, do you think the effect would have been the same? It is a dream, or a vision – a shared vision, that motivates groups of people […]