The Kids of Jack Hulland Elementary: No Pain, No Shame, No Blame

Saying that it [corporal punishment] is not allowed, isn’t going to change a school culture entirely. We don’t know what other forms of discipline will come in. I think really in the simplest forms when I talk with families, I remind them that our goal is no pain — so that’s corporal punishment– no shame, […]

The Kids of Jack Hulland Elementary: Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Podcast (School Safety)

Why don’t children go to school in the Yukon? Through its individual advocacy work, the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office (YCAO) found that an astonishing number of Yukon children rarely attended school. The Office embarked on a systemic review of the reasons why children were not going to school, releasing the final report on […]

The Kids of Jack Hulland Elementary – The Yukon Child & Youth Advocate

“We can’t be part of keeping the silence.” Where does a parent go when they discover their child has been restrained and secluded at school without their knowledge? For many Yukon residents, the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate is their first call. Over several months – stretching into years – Annette King and […]

The Kids of Jack Hulland Elementary – Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada

What does the Criminal Code of Canada state regarding the use of force by one person on another? In Canada, assault is defined as follows: Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada exists to protect parents and teachers who use force on children. Don’t we all wish that ALL violence against children would stop? […]

The Kids of Jack Hulland Elementary – Timeline Part 2 (The RCMP)

The abuse of children at Jack Hulland Elementary School was reported to RCMP repeatedly, and on November 24, 2021 they announced the beginning of a 22-month investigation into the use of restraints and seclusion as forms of discipline for vulnerable children. No results of the investigation have been released to date.

Jack Hulland Elementary School

The Kids of Jack Hulland Elementary – Introduction

‘He knew that they were coming to … lock him up’ As told to CBC The Current, November 2022 Pause for a moment. Imagine listening to your child being interviewed by the police, and hearing your child describe being dragged down the hallway at school, and locked up for hours in “holding cells”, day after […]