Modern Learners: A Frame for Decisions

We struggle to make sense of the world. We swim in a sea of notifications, podcasts, new books to read, white papers, comments. My head hurts sometimes, just trying to make sense of what we are learning, and how it can be organized, documented, and shared with others. I used my learning time this morning […]

How Do We Change The Way Children Experience Learning?

“My son doesn’t really like school. But he’s also lazy, so I tell him to get over it because not everything in life can be fun. He has to learn to apply himself.” “How old is your son?”, I asked. “He’s seven. He’s in grade 2. He says he’s bored but the teacher tells us […]

Your Friends Help You Learn

Every day I am thankful for the plethora of great reading and resources my friends share with me online. This morning, I woke up to Tom D’Amico sharing this remarkable digital library of children’s books in many different languages. Immediately I thought of our work with English Language Learners in Newfoundland and Labrador, and throughout […]