This is a picture of DNA representing the many advances we have made in scientific understanding of the body over the past decade.

Teaching When Knowledge is Exploding

How did you feel when you first learned that Pluto was being demoted? Pluto is no longer a planet in the solar system, and people are mad about this! We have an emotional connection to what we learned in school, and what we know to be true. It’s disruptive and disturbing when we find out […]

This image shows a European Hawkweek with a bumblebee on it, as evidence of how wildflower (even invasive species) attract pollinators

Disturbing “Normal”

Which do you prefer for your front yard? Beautiful, perfect, manicured grass, or a more natural approach to landscaping? One of the youngest winners of this year’s Bondar Challenge questions our pursuit of perfect lawns: “People still pay a lot of money to get them [dandelions] out and take so long to dig them out.” […]

This is a lesser yellowlegs walking on a beach. It's an example of birds we need to learn to identify to better understand how our world is changing.

Species Literacy Matters

Do you know the difference between a Least Sandpiper and a Spotted Sandpiper? I don’t. I’m sitting here with hundreds of pictures of living things in my natural world, and I don’t know what they are. Over the last four days, I have been participating in the Nature Conservancy of Canada Big Backyard Blitz, an […]

Another Look at Standardized Testing

In Ontario, the Liberals and NDP have promised to overhaul the 25-year-old EQAO testing system if elected next month. Political views aside, what is the best next step for high-stakes standardized testing in Ontario? Dr. Andy Hargreaves spoke with CBC in Ottawa (Hallie Cotnam) about the historical context and the current controversy around EQAO testing […]

Transforming School Culture – Chapter 6 Resources – The Fundamentalists (Part 1 – Who are the Fundamentalist Teachers?)

This is a series of posts on Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad – On Audible and on Amazon. More from Dr. Muhammad on Twitter and on his website. In this book, Dr. Anthony Muhammad shares his research on four categories of teachers found in schools. In Chapter 6, he discusses “Fundamentalists”. Fundamentalists are the […]

Transforming School Culture – Chapter 5 Resources – The Survivors

This is a series of posts on Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad – On Audible and on Amazon. More from Dr. Muhammad on Twitter and on his website. In this book, Dr. Anthony Muhammad shares his research on four categories of teachers found in schools. In Chapter 5, he discusses “Survivors”. Survivors are the […]

Transforming School Culture – Chapter 4 Resources – The Tweeners (or – how can we ensure success for new teachers?)

In this book, Dr. Anthony Muhammad shares his research on four categories of teachers found in schools. In Chapter 4, he discusses “Tweeners”. Tweeners are the teachers new to the culture, primarily those also completely new to the profession. Below are some further resources on some of the key points found in the chapter. Even […]

Transforming School Culture – Chapter 3 – The Believers (All Children are Capable and Competent)

In this book, Dr. Anthony Muhammad shares his research on four categories of teachers found in schools. In Chapter 3, he discusses “The Believers”. In general, Believers are certain that all children are capable and competent, even though they don’t always know the best teaching methods to allow learning to happen. Below are some further […]

Transforming School Culture – Chapter 2 Resources (The Framework of Modern School Culture)

The discussion in this chapter begins with American references.  There are more American references in the second version of the book.  At first, I wondered about how appropriate this new version would be for Canadian school leaders, but I think that a simple summary of the American education system experiences helps us to understand some […]

Revisiting Pedagogical Documentation – Some Resources

This week I am pulling together some resources for thinking about how we document learning. In particular, we are looking at how we capture learning when and where it happens, and how we use that evidence of learning to better understand the needs of the learner. Two of my favourite resources include Making Learning Visible […]