From #OSSEMOOC to #NotABookStudy – Agency and Access!

Join me in conversation with Mark Carbone about how we have grown in our understanding about OPEN learning for educators in Ontario.

Agency and Access: Personalized Professional Learning at Scale

Educators WANT to learn. As we shift from a culture where learning is provided to a culture where learning is sought, we need to consider how we provide ACCESS to quality learning for our educators. I watched this play out on Thursday night, as Heather Theijsmeijer, a Renewed Math Strategy Coordinator in Rainbow District School […]

Creative Public Leadership: Building a Powerful Case for Change

Early this morning, The RSA posted this report release on Twitter: In the report, they set out nine first steps in moving to an education system that creates the innovators needed for today’s world. Step 1 is Building the case for change. For those who have been in this business of change for many years, […]

#InnovatorsMindset Blog Hop #2: If I Could Build a School..

  This post is part of a collaborative blog hop.  We all write on a single topic, then post all of the links at once so that readers can read many different viewpoints at the same time.  Join in here. It’s never too late! If I were to build a school from scratch, I would […]

We Don’t Think Differently (or do we?) – 7/10

Do we think differently, or have we just learned differently? This post is part of a 10 day posting challenge issued by Tina Zita. You can’t be a connected educator if you don’t contribute. Sometimes we need a nudge to remember that if nobody shares, nobody learns. Thanks Tina! _________________________________________________________ Silence. You’ve felt that right? […]

Enabling Educators to be Learners: 1/10

This post is part of a 10 day posting challenge issued by Tina Zita. You can’t be a connected educator if you don’t contribute. Sometimes we need a nudge to remember that if nobody shares, nobody learns. Thanks Tina! ___________________________________________________________ How can we enable our colleagues to access the rich professional learning opportunities available online? […]

#OneWordONT – 2015 and 2016

My #OneWordONT for 2015 was COURAGE. I checked in here at the halfway point in the year to reflect on how well I was ‘living by the word’ in the first 6 months of 2015.  Courage has been a tough one.  The ‘other side’ of courage can be challenging to manage. By far the most […]

#BIT15: Principals Leading Innovation with Technology

Principals Leading the Innovative Use of Technology for Learning and Teaching A session at BIT15 – Bring IT,Together 2015 Thursday 5th November, 2015 11:00am to 11:50am (EST) Technology is a tool that enables innovative approaches to deep learning and student assessment. As lead learners, how are school leaders across Ontario integrating technology and pedagogy into […]

Sharing with #OPCPQP

The OPC (Ontario Principals’ Council) PQP (Principal Qualification Program) courses were, for me, hands down the best professional learning I had ever had at the time. Taking my PQP Part 2 was, for me, an every second weekend,  20-hour, round-trip drive to Sudbury, driving a standard transmission car with a broken right arm (in a […]

We are Half-Way: How’s Your #OneWordOnt?

In January, we asked educators, “What’s your ONE WORD for 2015?”.  In Ontario, we used #onewordont as a hashtag to collect the ideas, and Julie Balen created a word cloud to share. So how’s it going?  Six months in, is this word still a focus for your work? Today I am thinking a lot about my […]