Afraid to be Wrong

Over the past few days, mostly while shovelling snow, I have been listening to one particular podcast from the CBC Ideas Program: Knowledge and Democracy.  The program examines the interaction between science and society, looking at the “position” of the discipline “science” in a democracy. It is of particular interest to me because of our […]

Let’s UNLEARN a Few Assumptions About School

Many teachers teach the way they were taught. The B.Ed. program would do well to emphasize the unlearning of wrong assumptions about schooling – like “sit up straight” and “sit still” and “look at the teacher”. Change won’t happen until we all deeply question our assumptions of what school should look like for kids. Thanks to […]

Why Our Students Need Digital Leaders

Source: Why Our Students Need Digital Leaders

Why Should Educators Understand Social Media?

Educators must understand social media, because this is where our children are: Is shutting down the device the answer? Do our kids, and our teachers, understand how powerful social media can be for LEARNING? Isn’t it ESSENTIAL for our school and system leaders to be fully digitally literate? Here is a great guide to […]

Sharing from #BIT15: Heidi Siwak’s Keynote Address

If you were unable to attend Heidi Siwak’s closing keynote at #BIT15 this year, you missed an amazing learning experience. Let’s see if we can share the important points. Here is Heidi’s link to the resources.   Here is the storify of the Twitter chat for the event.

Why Leave All That Learning Only in Your Head?

So many educators reading so many books that impact their practice!     That was my takeaway from #satchat this morning, and #ontedleaders last week as we were challenged to share the reading that was impacting our work at this time.   I can’t possibly read all of those books, but my colleagues in my […]

Sharing with #OPCPQP

The OPC (Ontario Principals’ Council) PQP (Principal Qualification Program) courses were, for me, hands down the best professional learning I had ever had at the time. Taking my PQP Part 2 was, for me, an every second weekend,  20-hour, round-trip drive to Sudbury, driving a standard transmission car with a broken right arm (in a […]

We are Half-Way: How’s Your #OneWordOnt?

In January, we asked educators, “What’s your ONE WORD for 2015?”.  In Ontario, we used #onewordont as a hashtag to collect the ideas, and Julie Balen created a word cloud to share. So how’s it going?  Six months in, is this word still a focus for your work? Today I am thinking a lot about my […]

Simple Sharing and Organizing: Pinterest for Educators

  We talk a lot about the importance of openly sharing and curating resources. One pushback I often hear is, “I just don’t have time”.  I get that.  The job of an educator never ends.  There are always more opportunities to look for that next practice that we could adapt for a particular student need. […]

Searching for the Desire (to Learn)

What do we do about the educators who refuse to embrace change? This question keeps bubbling up in conversations, on Twitter, and in blog posts, in different formats, but essentially this is it:  “How do we convince educators that they need to change their practice?” We have names and categories for those who resist change […]