Your Friends Help You Learn

Every day I am thankful for the plethora of great reading and resources my friends share with me online. This morning, I woke up to Tom D’Amico sharing this remarkable digital library of children’s books in many different languages. Immediately I thought of our work with English Language Learners in Newfoundland and Labrador, and throughout […]

A Vision of Effective Mathematics Teaching and Learning

What is your vision of effective mathematics teaching and learning in elementary school? This is a new question for me.  This blog is Learning About Learning, and I have a lot of learning to do about mathematics education. I am hoping you can help me. Here are a few of the things I am thinking […]

Building a Professional Learning Network (some resources) – 3/10

This post is part of a 10 day posting challenge issued by Tina Zita. You can’t be a connected educator if you don’t contribute. Sometimes we need a nudge to remember that if nobody shares, nobody learns. Thanks Tina! _________________________________________ Who can help me answer my inquiry question? Today I worked with my colleagues to […]

Enabling Educators to be Learners: 1/10

This post is part of a 10 day posting challenge issued by Tina Zita. You can’t be a connected educator if you don’t contribute. Sometimes we need a nudge to remember that if nobody shares, nobody learns. Thanks Tina! ___________________________________________________________ How can we enable our colleagues to access the rich professional learning opportunities available online? […]

Why Leave All That Learning Only in Your Head?

So many educators reading so many books that impact their practice!     That was my takeaway from #satchat this morning, and #ontedleaders last week as we were challenged to share the reading that was impacting our work at this time.   I can’t possibly read all of those books, but my colleagues in my […]

Are Teachers Taught About Creative Commons?

Earlier this week, I worked with my fellow OSAPAC member (and chair) Mark Carbone to share some thinking around Creative Commons Licensing with educators at #CATC15 The title of this post, “Are Teachers Taught About Creative Commons”, was one of the questions from the group of educators we were learning with.  This brings up another […]

Simple Sharing and Organizing: Pinterest for Educators

  We talk a lot about the importance of openly sharing and curating resources. One pushback I often hear is, “I just don’t have time”.  I get that.  The job of an educator never ends.  There are always more opportunities to look for that next practice that we could adapt for a particular student need. […]

Intergenerational Digital Literacy

This past week, I read a blog post by Jennifer Casa-Todd: Childrens’ Rights in a Digital World It is based on this UNICEF publication: Childrens’ Rights in the Digital Age This is the quote that first attracted my attention: “… digital literacy across generations..” I immediately thought of Ontario’s Renewed Vision for Education.  “Our children, youth […]

Looking for the [Student] Learning Intention

  Online every day I see what appear to be amazing things that educators are doing in their classrooms.  As a connected leader and learner, I tend to be quick to praise, to share, to encourage and to promote practice. But is this my best practice? Do I know enough about what I am encouraging? Recently, […]

Searching for the Desire (to Learn)

What do we do about the educators who refuse to embrace change? This question keeps bubbling up in conversations, on Twitter, and in blog posts, in different formats, but essentially this is it:  “How do we convince educators that they need to change their practice?” We have names and categories for those who resist change […]