A Vision of Effective Mathematics Teaching and Learning

What is your vision of effective mathematics teaching and learning in elementary school? This is a new question for me.  This blog is Learning About Learning, and I have a lot of learning to do about mathematics education. I am hoping you can help me. Here are a few of the things I am thinking […]

Simple Sharing and Organizing: Pinterest for Educators

  We talk a lot about the importance of openly sharing and curating resources. One pushback I often hear is, “I just don’t have time”.  I get that.  The job of an educator never ends.  There are always more opportunities to look for that next practice that we could adapt for a particular student need. […]

Searching for the Desire (to Learn)

What do we do about the educators who refuse to embrace change? This question keeps bubbling up in conversations, on Twitter, and in blog posts, in different formats, but essentially this is it:  “How do we convince educators that they need to change their practice?” We have names and categories for those who resist change […]

#makeschooldifferent: My Five Things We Need To Stop Pretending

Scott McLeod’s blog is a source of inspiration for me. I know by the number of times that I have shared “The Lone Wolf” by David Truss that educators are a frustrated group of professionals, advocating relentlessly to change our public school systems so they align with the learning needs of our students in a world […]

Sharing with PQP: Why Do Our Students Need Connected Leaders?

Recently, I was asked to share my thinking with PQP candidates about why connecting as leaders is so important. I wrote about this late last year, and I have presented workshops on the topic a few times.   This time I needed to be able to share my thinking remotely, so I created this very […]

The Key to Innovative Practice? More Ideas!

For a long time in Ontario, we have relied heavily on standardized test results, and the tested ideas and strategies grounded in research to inform our educational practice. But does this kind of thinking short-change our kids? Dr. Chris Dede talks about the importance of spreading pockets of excellence and adapting successful practice into our […]

Learning from Singapore: Pak Tee Ng and the Focus on “Teach Less, Learn More”

#uLead15 was an opportunity for educators to hear from some of the leaders in education where PISA scores are consistently the highest. It was obvious that the leading PISA countries do not use strategies like practicing test writing, teaching to the test, focusing on “moving the high level two students to level three”, data walls, […]

Disrupting Content Delivery in Ontario

We have come a long way in Ontario from the idea that eLearning required a “learning management system” to deliver content, to the understanding that building relationships is at the centre of all learning (f2f or at a distance).   As we work with eLearning teachers through their collaborative inquiries into best practice, I often […]

What’s Our Next Step in Spreading Great Practice Around #TELT?

In Ontario we know we have pockets of excellence when it comes to Technology-enabled learning and teaching. When I refer to “pockets of excellence”, I mean schools and classrooms where learning to do this, digging into doing this well, and supporting the understanding of how learning needs to change to meet the realities of today’s […]

Where is Your Blog?

If you are an educator, you need a blog. It’s 2015. Where are you creating your digital identity? Where do you share resources with other educators? Where do you reflect on your practice? Where are you having conversations about learning and teaching? Where do you model the learning we want to see in every classroom? […]