If There Has Been No Learning

If there has been no learning, there has been no teaching. As educators, we work in service of student learning. We ask where a learner is now (assessment), where a learner is going (curriculum learning expectations), how a learner will get there (strategies to ensure students construct that learning) and how we will know (monitoring […]

Is eLearning for You? Yes it is!

“eLearning may not be for everyone.” Really? What if you are the only student at a high school needing a credit in SPH4U? eLearning might be your only option. As educators, are we really saying that eLearning might not be for this student? Or should we be saying, eLearning is just learning, and we will […]

Where’s the Beef? – 6/10

When we talk about “Visible Learning” and “Visible Thinking”, can we now focus more on the Thinking and Learning than on the Visible? This post is part of a 10 day posting challenge issued by Tina Zita. You can’t be a connected educator if you don’t contribute. Sometimes we need a nudge to remember that […]

Notes Instead of Thoughts – From 3 Rules to Spark Learning

When talking about Digital Portfolios, both Dr. Alec Couros and George Couros talk about the place where you do your messy work and then the place where you put your best work.  Below is some of my messy work. Sometimes you know you just need to keep things around to refer to and to think […]

Do Schools Create Non-Learners?

I am taking a little of my own advice today, and rereading Carol Dweck’s 2006 book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. I am still working through the first chapters, but I have already found a number of connections to other work. The most interesting new learning for me comes from exploring the symptoms of […]

Scaffolding Connected Leadership: You Can Start Here

Does it feel, sometimes, like you have been so busy working that you haven’t had time to stop and recognize how much the work has actually changed? The world is changing quickly. Leaders in education need to figure out how to keep up. #OSSEMOOC  gets it. This month, we are putting out little bits, or […]

Where is Your Blog?

If you are an educator, you need a blog. It’s 2015. Where are you creating your digital identity? Where do you share resources with other educators? Where do you reflect on your practice? Where are you having conversations about learning and teaching? Where do you model the learning we want to see in every classroom? […]

We Have a Dream

“I have a dream.” Millions were inspired by those words. Now if Martin Luther King had said, “I have a strategic plan” or “I have a set of performance indicators”, do you think the effect would have been the same? It is a dream, or a vision – a shared vision, that motivates groups of people […]

The Loneliness of the First Follower

It’s harder to follow than it is to lead.   Leaders have passion for what they do.  They have practiced sticking out their necks, taking risks, trying new things, and failing. For leaders, being the lone dancer in the crowd is their norm. Dancing to the music is the right thing to do, even if […]

Sharing our Passion for Connecting Education Leaders: TEDxKitchenerED

Mark Carbone and I recently took advantage of the opportunity to share our passion for connecting education leaders at the TEDxKitchenerED event. If you are wondering about #OSSEMOOC, here is the story of how we are working to connect leaders, and helping Ontario learners, to thrive in the complexities of teaching and learning in today’s rapidly […]